The ‘Well of Hell’, the gigantic natural hole that fuels legends

The Barhout Well is a natural hole located in a desert area of Al-Mahra province, 1,300 kilometers east of Yemen’s capital. The inhabitants of the region believe that it is a gateway to hell.

The hole has a diameter of about 100 feet and its depth is believed to range between 330 and 660 feet. Different layers or «rings» can be seen on its walls. Different species of birds nest in the upper cornices and you can see some vegetation in the areas where the Sun still reaches.

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Its dimensions, the darkness of its bottom, and the rotten smell that comes out of its unexplored interior have fed all kinds of legends throughout history. The most famous story points out that the «Pit of Hell» was created as a prison to lock the demons inside and if you get close, it can suck you in. Many Yemenis are uneasy about it, even avoiding talking about it for fear of ‘bad luck’ it may bring.

The authorities still do not know what is inside this abyss, although they are already working to find out.

«It’s very deep—we’ve never reached the bottom of this well, as there’s little oxygen and no ventilation (…) «We have gone to visit the area and entered the well, reaching more than 50-60 metres down into it. We noticed strange things inside. We also smelled something strange… It’s a mysterious situation.», said Salah Babhair, director-general of the Mahra Geological and Mineral Resources Authority.

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Babhair added that the well is «millions and millions» of years old and these places require more study, research, and investigation, » he said.

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