Generation Z loses the fear of expressing their identity: more and more identify as LGBTQ+

The new generations are teaching a lesson in individuality and diversity: more and more people are freely living their identity and sexual orientation. In the United States, the number of people who identify as LGBT + has been increasing: from 3.5% in 2012 to 5.6% in 2020, according to Gallup research.

According to a survey of 15,000 people over the age of 18 last year, 18 million Americans identify as LGBTQ+.

Of these people, 54% declare themselves bisexual, 24.5% gay, 11.7% lesbian, and 11.4% transgender. 3.3% feel represented with another term from the LGBTQ + collective.

86.7% of the Americans surveyed said they were heterosexual. 7.6% did not respond to their sexual orientation.


Generation Z – those born in 1997 and 2002 – is the most open about their sexual orientation or identity.

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16% between the ages of 18 and 23 identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

Comparing these figures to the previous generation, millennials, 9.1% identify as LGBTQ+  in the US – and half of them consider themselves bisexual.

In even older generations, the percentage is lower. For example, of Americans born before 1965, only 2% identify as LGBTQ+.


The researchers found a common denominator that cuts across all generational groups: bisexuality is the term that most people identify with. For example, of all the Zs who identified as LGBTQ+, 72% declare themselves as bisexual.

On the other hand, more women than men considered themselves bisexual in all groups — 4.3% compared to 1.8%.

It is also true that the number of women who identified as part of the LGBT community in the US was higher than men.


This data could reflect the increase in guarantees towards the rights of LGBTQIA + people. Although this group still faces unfair and intolerable hate speech, in recent years there have been advances in terms of the recognition of their individual freedoms.

“Society is changing ”, say the researchers. This does not mean that a similar number of LGBTQ+  people did not exist in the US before: it is likely that the attacks on the community prevented them from expressing themselves as such. What it reflects is that we are increasingly embracing diversity.

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But one thing is clear: the youngest no longer want to remain silent and want to live their life as they feel it. «They are growing up in an environment where being gay, lesbian or bisexual is not taboo, as it was in the past.»


We all deserve to celebrate our individuality. If you know someone who needs support, they will surely appreciate you being by their side. Live your life as you feel it.

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Tags: nohome


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